.: private Reiki :.


Reiki is a Japanese energetic healing practice. It’s about aligning and harmonizing the energy in the physical and energetic bodies. This is a hands-on technique that allows me to tune in to another person’s energy, and begin to shift areas of need, excess, or blockages through gentle touch. People come to Reiki for all sorts of reasons— illness, emotional hardships, energetic imbalances. I bring my trauma informed and nervous system regulation training to my Reiki sessions, and am very intentional about creating a container of trust and safety. In this way, we can create healing and balance together.

Reiki sessions provide another way to understand emotions, sensations, or experiences— it offers the embodied experience that things can shift. We might encounter something that feels big or blocked, and through working with it gently and patiently, we discover that it can move or release. 

This creates more flow so that challenging experiences or stuck narratives can change. People often find that shifting these long held patterns is less laborious through Reiki; we don’t always need a verbal or cognitive analysis of our experiences to integrate them. 

It’s also important to know that in Reiki, there is no taking or giving of personal energy. Instead, we are working with universal energy that is being channeled. It’s more like removing the dams so everything flows more freely than it is about a practitioner “making” energy happen. The saying is that Reiki flows where it needs to go. Clients will receive what they need and it won’t overwhelm their system. 

*In person sessions are located in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

You may also book a session as a gift for someone you love!

.: exchange rates + location :.

Supporter: $150 // Choose this rate if you are currently able to meet all of your financial needs and still have some money left over for savings and disposable income. By paying at this rate you are helping other people access care which would normally be out of reach financially for them by allowing me to work with them at a lower rate while still paying myself enough to meet my own needs. 

Sustainer: $130 // Choose this rate if you are able to meet your financial needs but do not have money left over for savings or much disposable income.

Community: $110 // Choose this rate if you are currently under-employed or unemployed and it is a challenge to meet all your financial needs.

In Person: In person sessions take place at my home studio in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Masks are optional, and I am happy to wear a mask if you would like. I am fully vaccinated. HEPA filter in use.

Virtual: Online yoga and distance Reiki sessions are available via zoom.

I am on unceded Lenape land, colonized as Brooklyn, NY. Join me in breaking the ongoing violence of colonization here.